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Bascom Clay Symposium

Bascom Clay Symposium

The Bascom’s celebrated Three Potters Symposium is marking its 14th year with a new identity: the Bascom Clay Symposium. In its 2024 edition, the symposium will feature animal and figurative ceramic sculpture, showcasing the talents of this year’s selected artists: Christine Kosiba, Andrea Keys Connell, and Taylor Robenalt. Join us for a day of demonstrations as each artist shares their unique stories, sources of inspiration, and techniques refined over the years. The Symposium kicks off on September 27th with a keynote address by Stephanie Moore, Executive Director of The Center for Craft (Asheville).

Due to the generosity of our sponsors, the symposium is free to all and is an event for those who want to drop in or participate in the entire event. In addition, during the symposium, the featured artists will have works for sale—items not regularly available in our retail space

Christine Kosiba

"My sculptures take form through various hand building techniques.  I incorporate coiling, building solid on an armature and modifying pinch pots in my studio practice.  During the symposium I will demo working solid on an armature and with modified pinch pots.  I will be incorporating animal imagery focusing on basic anatomy, expression and gesture."

Andréa Keys Connell

"I will demonstrate the hollow building technique I use to create everything from small figurines to monumental sculptures. Utilizing this method, I will create a pastoral animal that speaks to the language of my sculptures, rooted in the history of figurines and fairy tales. I will talk about selecting a clay body, surface techniques that range from cold surface painting to glazing, and strategies for building large and complex forms."

Taylor Robenalt

Taylor will commence her demonstration by providing a clear and concise way to create a hollow formed porcelain sculpture out of coils, pinch and slab. She will focus on delicate and refined features in flora and fauna and create a sculpture that depicts a symbolic narrative. Throughout the demonstration, Taylor will delve into the nuances of shape language, emphasizing the importance of detailed faces adorned with highly refined features. She will impart insights into her artistic process and the challenges and rewards of working with the delicate yet enchanting material of porcelain.

Schedule of events 

Friday, September 27

4 pm- 5 pm: Keynote Address, Stephanie Moore, Executive Director of The Center for Craft (Asheville)

5 pm – 6:45 pm: Public Reception and Show/Sale of Artists’ Work

Saturday, September 28th

Symposium: 10 am – Noon and 1 pm – 4 pm

Demonstrations by featured artists: Christine Kosiba, Andréa Keys Connell, and Taylor Robenalt.

Show/Sale of Artists’ Work

Event Information

Event Date September 28, 2024 10:00 am
Event End Date September 28, 2024 4:00 pm
Cut off date September 29, 2024
Capacity 100
Available place 42
Individual Price Free
Instructor Christine Kosiba, Andrea Keys Connell, and Taylor Robenalt
Location Bascom Campus
Categories Lectures & Seminars, Special Events

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Opening Hours

Exhibitions & Shop:
Tuesday - Saturday; 10 am - 5 pm

Studio Barn Hours:
Monday - Saturday; 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday; Noon - 5 pm

Find Us Online:


Visit: 323 Franklin Road
Highlands, NC 28741 (Map It)

Call: 828-526-4949 (Main)
828-787-2892 (Ceramics Studio)

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This project was supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. Learn more at NCArts.org

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 Funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. Learn more at SouthArts.org.

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 Funding is due in part to a Tourism Grant with Visit Highlands, NC. Learn more HighlandsChamber.org